Technical Support: Q & A
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How do I report a problem to DynEd?
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In order to help you solve any existing problem we recommend you to do the following:
- Update your DynEd Installation
- Identify the Problem: Audio or Internet Connection or Crashing
- Run the DynEd Analyzer Program
- Check our Q & A database
- Call your DynEd sales representative or send an e-mail to: with the following information:
- Type of installation:
- Stand-Alone or Networked
- Course Name(s) and version(s) installed
- Number of simultaneous users if this is a Networked Installation
- A detailed description of the problem:
- If the problem is reproducible, what are the exact steps?
- If it displays an error message, what is the exact message?
- Please provide a screen shot of what appears on the screen.
- If there is more than one course installed, do all of the courses fail in the same way?
- If some courses work but others fail, please consider re-installing the courses that are failing
- If it's a networked installation does the problem happen on all of the client computers, a few or one?
- Does the same problem occur if just one (or a few) users are working simultaneously? - The dyned log file
- Send the log file from a client computer where the problem has occurred.
- The log file can be found in the DynEd folder on the client machine.
Need more help? Get support and provide details about your issue.