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Student and Class Reports

We have worked on two new reports which should make it easier to see how-often and for-how-long students are studying. Below are instructions to try it out.


  • Run the Records Manager
  • View a list of students: Go to "Reports->Class->'Study Report' for students in this class..."
  • View a list of classes: Go to "Reports->Administrator->'Study Report' for these classes..."
  • The fields in the CLASS report are:
    - CLASS NAME: The name of the class
    - TEACHER NAME: The name of the teacher
    - STUDENTS: The number of active / non-deleted students in the class active in the selected period
  • The fields in the STUDENT report are:
    - STUDENT NAME: The name of the student
  • The fields in both the CLASS and STUDENT reports are:
    - DAYS: The number of days studied
    - HOURS: The number of hours studied
    - H/DAY: The number of hours/day studied
    - D/WEEK: The number of days/week studied
    - SS or WSS: The 'Study Score' or 'Weighted Study Score'
    - PL-1: Initial Placement Level based on taking the PT
    - PL-2: The most recent Placement Level based on taking the PT
    - PL-DIF: PT-2 minus PT-1
    - PL-CUR: The most recent Study Level based on the Path Manager unlocking lessons
    - MT-C: The number of Mastery Tests taken (Confirmation MTs are not counted)
    - MT-AVG: The average score of the Mastery Tests (Confirmation MTs are not counted)
    - MT-1: Average score of the Confirmation Mastery Tests for all courses
    - MT-2: Average score of the actual Mastery Tests for which they had taken a Confirmation MT
    - MT-DIF: MT-2 minus MT-1
    - LESN: The number of different lessons a student has run
    - LS: 'Learning Steps' measure activity in the target language, such as answering questions, repeating sentences, recording/playing back, listening to sentences... These are used to determine 'Completion Percentage.' Basically, if several students have studied about the same amount of time, the one with the higher number of Learning Steps has been more engaged in the lessons.
    - MT Scores: Actual MT scores (ones marked with a 'c' are confirmation Mastery Tests)
    - EA: The number of hours on Extension Activities


  • Notes:
    - Items show as an average when viewing the class report
    - Values are based on dates within the chosen period


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