Technical Support: Q & A

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Stand-alone Installation vs. Networked Installation.

What is the difference between Stand-alone Installation and Networked Installation?

Local Installation or Networked Installation determines where the course is installed.

Networked Installation
Courses installed on a central server. This refers to installation on a LAN (local area network).



  • Installation must be done once.
  • Courses can be accessed from any clients that connected to the server.
  • Study records is stored at the server so that any student can sit at any clients and access their most current records.
  • Update can be done once.

Stand-alone installation
Installation must be done on EACH computer.
This often use for computer with no LAN connection or the IT department does not allow you to install on the server.



  • Installation must be done on EACH computer.
  • Student must sit at the same computer to access their study records. Unless it's an Internet Records installation.
  • Update must be done on EACH computer.

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