English Tiếng Việt
Understanding the Billing Report
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Total Classes: The number of classes independent of the specified period
- does not include deleted classes, demo classes or classes with no students
Total Students: The number of students who have studied anything independent of the specified period
- does include students who have only studied the Placement-Test or Speaking-Test
Total Students Created: The number of students who were created within the specified period
Total Billed Students: The number of students who accrued a fee within the specified period
- includes deleted students
- does not include students who have only studied the Placement-Test or Speaking-Test
Total Active Students: The number of students who studied anything within the specified period
- does not include students who have only studied the Placement-Test or Speaking-Test
Total Study Hours: The number of hours that students studied within the specified period
- does not include students who have only studied the Placement-Test or Speaking-Test
HOME STUDY FEE: The number of student home-study-months within the specified period (the sum of all active students who studied at home for each month of the specified period)
PT ONLY FEE (XX Students):
- XX is the number of students who only studied the Placement-Test or Speaking-Test within the specified period and never studied a non-PT course independent of the period
- The value in the Count column is the number of "Placement Tests" taken by the XX students, so this number should always be greater than or equal to XX).
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