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The Completion Percentage value is a measure of how effectively a student has studied a lesson. The Completion Percentage is shown for each unit and lesson studied, including the incremental values for each study session, which is at the deepest level of detail.

Note that Completion Percentages for each study session are summed and displayed at the top of the lesson in parentheses. However, where several lessons are grouped together below a higher level lesson, unit or module, the Completion Percentage for the entire group will be a weighted average [in square brackets], depending on the size and nature of the lessons. This is because some lessons can be completed quickly, while other lessons are much larger and will have a greater weight within the average.


Note: The Completion Percentage value measures activity, but not time. This means that students who are not active in their study will have a lower Completion Percentage value for a lesson than students who have studied the lesson for the same amount of time but who are actively engaged with the program. See the Teacher's Guides for each course for suggestions for improving study.

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