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Select the Placement Test from the course pull-down list.  The information shown for the Placement Tests is displayed according to the following headings:

Note 1: If you use the View Course Details menu item, you can see the raw Placement Test scores rather than the Placement Test levels.

Note 2: In many cases, students will take only Part 1 of the test because their score on Part-1 was not high enough to take Part 2.

Note 3: Why was one student taken out of the Placement Test after answering a few questions and another student had more questions? By Design the Placement Test will exit with questions answered incorrectly. You can read more here: Placement Test questions 

Note 4: Why is the Placement Test in two parts?  For many students, taking Part 1 and Part 2 without a break makes the test more a test of concentration than a language test. At least a five-minute break between parts is recommended.

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