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The DynEd Installation

The Dyned Installation DVD has installers for all DynEd courses. It also includes installers for all 3rd party technologies that the DynEd applications rely on such as QuickTime, Acrobat Reader and Speech Recognition. A new Installation DVD is released 2-3 times per year to coincide with the release of a new product, to add new features, and to fix bugs. If you already have a DynEd installation, you can also access all files on the latest Installation DVD by running the "dyned\UpToDate" program.

UPDATES: When a courseware DVD is pressed it is given a number such as v5.0. The installation DVD has an installer for that particular courseware. The installer for the 5.0 version of that courseware includes the DynEd engine, some standard installation files plus any fixes that we have made to that particular 5.0 version. This is called an update. Each time a new Installation DVD comes out, there are new updates, but the courseware DVD is never changed. You can run UpToDate at any time and get the most recent updates to 5.0 version.

UPGRADES: When we make enough improvements to a course to merit a new release, we create a new courseware DVD with a new number -- say v5.0. This release must coincide with the release of a new Installation DVD that knows how to install the new 5.0 version. This is called an upgrade. Generally we continue to support the previous 4.1 version for about 2 years after a newer version is released. You can run UpToDate at any time and get the most recent updates for the version of the course that you have. Running UpToDate does not upgrade you from one version to the next.


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